

Left/right arrows: roll
Up arrow: jump
Space: proceed to a next level
R: restart a level
E: map editor I used to create the levels


In a world where people have spherical shapes, you are *the* hard-working heart surgeon known to mankind. You can do heart transplants in an instant, you're just that efficient.

You love what you do, but the hospitals where you work at aren't too great with their room-layouts. Operating tables are scattered in the buildings. Now you need to not only transplant hearts, but also find the patients!

Anyway, have fun with this silly game.

I interpreted the theme as you as a surgeon only get one heart to make one person better. The original owner of the heart cannot also get a heart to survive. It kindof grew from there and in the end had multiple patients, which doesn't fit the theme as well as it did ;).

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